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We work with artists and local populations in communities worldwide to design and create participatory art and cultural actions that highlight the principles of fundamental rights, diversity, and cultural heritage.

It takes place in a globalised context marked by profound social, economic and environmental differences. 

Our projects aim to reaffirm the principles of democratic thinking by addressing the social and humanistic issues that have become the most pressing concerns of the 21st century.

INSCRIRE was founded in 1991 by artist Françoise Schein after completing her Human Rights artwork at Paris Concorde Subway Station, confirming the possibility of establishing a transversal connection between art, ethics, education, urban planning, and citizenship.

This initiative has developed into a network of international projects carried out by multidisciplinary teams from all over the world. Working with individuals and local institutions, INSCRIRE provides a unique expression of cultural multiplicity. 

Our commitments

To create artistic projects and events that are free and accessible to all
To work with local populations in cities and communities
To raise awareness of fundamental rights and cultural diversity
To offer a new function to places and/or create new spaces
Provide access to training and professional skills in crafts and arts to communities

finalized projects
subways stations
schools and universities

Patricia Acioli Award of the Magistrates’ Society of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2017
— For all the work carried out by Inscrire in Brazil and around the world.

UNESCO Nomination, 2017
— Westhafen subway, Berlin, Germany.

Royal Academy of Sciences Designation, Arts and Letters of Belgium, 2016
— Françoise Schein elected associate member.

ECP – European Cultural Parliament Nomination , Pristina, Kosovo, 2014
— Françoise Schein nominated Ambassador, Pristina, Kosovo.

 IAB Urbanity Award, Institute of Architecture of Brazil, 2006 – 2007
— Azulejaria Project, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

UK Regeneration Awards, Best Mixed-use Regeneration Project, 2003 – 2004
— Coventry Time Zone Clock Project, London, United Kingdom.

European Union Agenda 21 Nomination, Germany, 2001
— Rhododendrons’ Park, Bremen, Germany and for To Write the Human Rights in schools project, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

High Council for International Cooperation Award, Paris, France, 2000
— Association Inscrire, Vidigal project distinguished by the French Prime Minister.

Belgian Libre Academy Award, 1998
— For the overall work and its  contribution to contemporary urban architecture

Miami Preservation League Award for Excellence in Design, Miami, Miami, USA, 1989
— For the works in Miami, U.S.A.

New York City Art Commission, Excellence in Design Award, 1985
— Subway Map Floating on a New-York Sidewalk, New-York, U.S.A.


All the cities where our projects have been built
All Education and Culture Ministries where projects have been built
Art schools and high schools around the world
EU Commission
Embassies and Consulates
KDB Partners
Oz Produções
UNESCO in different countries
United Nations Development Program UNDP

City of Vienna
Human Rights Office Vienna
Wien Kultur
Wien Neubau

Alderman for Culture
Artistic Commission for Travel Infrastructures
ASBL Accrochage
Association Les Voies de la Liberté
Belgium Kingdom
Brussels City
Brussels Model Railway Club RMC
Bruxelles nous appartient
Centrale for Contemporary Arts
City of Houffalize
City of Ottignies
City of Verviers
Collective OKUP
Cultural Service of the City of Brussels
Daniel Delgoffe Architecture
Den Teirling Association
Ecole supérieure de l’image le 75
Generation Europe Foundation
International Association of Public Transport UITP
International Centre for City and Architecture CIVA
Into Image Association
KdB Partners
Maelbeek Sustainable Neighbourhood Contract
Municipality of Anderlecht
Municipality of Ixelles
Patrick Watteeuw Films
Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels
Société de Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles STIB
Université Catholique de Louvain UCL
Urban Cyclo & Co – Germoir d’ Ixelles Neighbourhood Association
Schools: Ecole Professionnelle Edmond Peters, Haute Ecole Francisco Ferrer Section Primaire (Ixelles), Ecole communale de Mabompré, Athénée de Houffalize, Ecole communale de Tavigny, Ecole Sainte-Marie de la Fraternité (Schaerbeek), Collèges et Instituts archiépiscopaux de Bruxelles-Malines (Houffalize), Ecole Bracops-Lambert, Athénée Bracops-Lambert, L’Institut Marius Renard (Anderlecht) Ecole de Mabompré, Ecole Communale de Houffalize, Ecole Communale de Tavigny, Les Zateliers Houtopia, Lycée IPHC- Institut Paul Henri Spaak (Laeken), Lycée Martin V, Athénée Royale de Ottignie antenne Lauzelle (Louvain-la-Neuve), L’Institut St Michel, Athénée Thil Lorrain (Verviers)

— Brasilia
Alliance Française in Brasilia
Belgian Embassy in Brasilia
Swedish Embassy
Brasília Governo Federal
Companhia do Metropolitano do Distrito Federal de Brasília
General Coordination of Human Rights Education CGGEDH
Directorate for the Promotion and Education of Human Rights DPEDH
French Institute of Brasilia
National Ministry of Human Rights
Oz Produções
Secretaria Nacional da Cidadania
Schools: Escola Gisno, Escola Ceilândia

— Rio de Janeiro
Aboboda Projetos, architect
ALERJ Human Rights Committee of the Legislative Assembly of Rio
Armazem da Utopia
Associação de Magistrados do Estado do Rio AMAERJ
Associação Entrelaces de pesquisas e educação
Associação Parceiros Brasil, Centro de Colaboração Democrática
Association 200 ans de Nova Friburgo
Association des Habitants
Belgian Paralympic Committee
Belgian Consulate in Rio
Brazilian Bar Association OAB
Casa do Turismo de Nova Friburgo
Chambre des Échevins de São Gonçalo
Department of Education of Nova Friburgo
Department of Culture of Nova Friburgo
Department of Tourism Nova Friburgo
Department of justice of São Gonçalo
Enda Brasil ONG
Engineering Institute of the State of Rio de Janeiro IEERJ
France Consulate in RIo
Fundação Darcy Vargas
French Institute of Nova Friburgo
French Institute of Rio
Institute of Architects of Brazil IAB
ISS Lei de Incentivo à Cultura
Jorge Mario Jauregui, architecte, Rio
Justice Tribunal of São Gonçalo
MAE – French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MEC – Federal Ministry of Education
Mémorial Rio 450
Municipality of Rio de Janeiro
Nos do Morro et Gutti Fraga Troupe de théâtre
Oficina de Arte Maria Teresa Vieira
Oz Produções
Prefecture of São Gonçalo
Prefecture of Nova Friburgo
Rio de Janeiro State Government
Rio CDURP – Urban Development Company of the Port Region
Rio Porto Maravilha
Rio Porto Novo
Rio Cultural and Diversity City Hall
Rio Prefeitura Eixo Rio Galerio Cultura Presente
Rio Trilhos
Switzerland Consulate in Rio
Secretaria Municipal de Habitação da Cidade do Rio
Sesc Pompéia
UFRJ Université
United Nations Information Center UNIC-RJ
Viva Rio
2a-Coordenadoria Regional de Educação
Communities where we worked: Vidigal, São Bento, Parque da Cidade, Vila Moretti, Vila União da Paz, Vila Benjamin Constant, Providência, Caju, Jacarezinho, Coelho Neto, Complexo do Alemão,Bonsucesso, Maria da Graça, Senador Camará, Siqueira Campos…
Schools : GEA, Ginasio Experimental de Artes Visuais Vicente Licinio Cardoso, Collège Ste Croix à Fribourg en Suisse, Escola Stella Maris (Vidigal), Escola Municipal Monte Castelo, Escola Municipal Charles Anderson Weaver, Escola Municipal General Osório (Coelho Neto), E. M. Vicente Licínio Cardoso, Escola Padre Francisco Mota (Teleférico Gamboa), Escola Sonja Kill (Morro da Conceição), E.M. Mal. Masc. de Moraes (Caju), Degase (Ilha do Governador), CIEP de Bonsucesso, EM Rainha Fabíola (Senador Camará), EM Vinicius de Moraes, (Jacarezinho), Creche Municipal Geralda de Jesus Aleixo (Jacarezinho), EM Oswaldo Cruz (Maria da Graça), EM Jean Mermoz (Maria da Graça), EM Pace (Maria da Graça), CIEP Presidente João Goulart, E.M. Marília de Dirceu, E.M. Presidente José Linhares (Pavão Pavãozinho/ Cantagalo),CIEP Frederico Fellini, E.M.Levy Neves (Tomás Coelho).

— São-Paulo
A2 Eventos e Arquitetura
ADAE – Associação Danyann Aprender Evoluir
Associação 500 anos do Brasil
AZU Ceramic workshop
Atelier de Taboão da Serra
Metropolitan of São Paulo
Municipal Department of Education
MAB-FAAP Museum of Brazilian Art Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation
São Paulo City Hall
SMDHSP, Secretaria Municipal dos Direitos Humanos de São Paulo
Sociedade de Pesquisa e Preservação Ferroviária SPPF
Tofiq House
Ubifrance Brazil
Schools : Centres Éducatifs Unifiés de São Carlos, Diadema, Jacana, Alvarendaga, Sapopemba, Butanta, Itaquera, Curuça, de Anhangera, Paralheiros, le Lycée Pasteur SP.

Museu A4Art, Chengdu, China
Museu de Arte da Usina, Xangai, China

Generation Europe Ceska Republika
Schools: 22 schools

European Commission

Ceramic Biennale
Eva studio
Schools: Stoke-on-Trent Forsbrook Primary, Brownhills High, Sir Thomas Boughey High School

Embassy of France in El Salvador
Foundation for Arts Initiatives
French Institute of San Salvador
NGO Con text messages
NGO Forrando paz
NGO Glasswings

Schools: 57 schools

National Agency for Social Cohesion and Equal Opportunities ACSE
French Association for Artistic Action AFAA
Quartiers du Monde Association
Boutique Habitat
FIDH International Federation for Human Rights
SNCF Foundation
Ministry of Culture and Communication
Department of Justice
Quartiers du Monde
RFF – the French Railway Network
Ubifrance – Agence Française pour le Développement International des Entreprises.

— Cherbourg
Esam School of Fine Arts
City of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin
Le Trident
Normandy Préfecture
Penitentiary Administration of Cherbourg Detention Centre
Schools: Charcot la Bucaille Collège, Les Province College, CNAM, The Museum of Arts and Crafts

— Paris and other cities
Association C’est Pointé
Caen la Mer
CNAM, Museum of Arts and Crafts
Yvelines General Council
Denise Tran Hue Embroidery
School of Fine Arts of Rueil Malmaison
Enda France
Paris Belleville Development Team
Paris Saint-Blaise Development Team
Team Favélité Brazil
Image Forum
Aubervilliers Town Hall
Clichy-la-Garenne Town Hall
Paris City Hall
City Hall of Paris and the various districts
St Denis Town Hall
Calvados OPAC
Paris Habitat
RATP – Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (Autonomous Paris Transport Authority)
SCIC Habitat Plaine Normandie
Recycling company SAS Minimum
Urban II
Paris City
City of Les Mureaux
Schools: Lycée François Villon (Les Mureaux), Collège Jean Jaurès (Clichy), Lycée Garcia Lorca (Saint-Denis), Le Lycée Etienne Dolet (Paris)

Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe BVG, Berlin subway system
Berlin City Hall
Evangelisches Bildungswerk Bremen
Kramer und Partner architekten
Rhododendron Park of the City of Bremen
Ramminger Joachim Publisher
Stiftung Die Schwelle

Generation Europe Greek & Cypriot Foundation
Greek Ministry of Education
Schools: 60 schools

Port au Prince Art Center
Enarts, National School of Art in Port-au-Prince
Office de la Protection du Citoyen OPC
Martissant Park
Schools: Lycée Alexandre Pétion, Collège Mixte Frère Roc, Collège Inter Familiale

Léargas NGO
Schools: 18 schools

— Haifa
Alliance Française Haïfa
Beth Hagefen Jewish Arab Cultural Center
Haifa City Hall
Michel Butor, writer

A.M. Qattan FoundationMunicipality of Ramallah
Al Quds Art Palestinian Technical College
Birzeit University, Department of Architecture and Engineering
BTC Palestinian Territory
French Consulate in Jerusalem
Belgian Consulate in Jerusalem
International Academy of Art Palestine IAAP

Animar Association
Oeiras City Hall
Sintra City Hall
Tavira Municipal Council
Municipality of Reguengos de Monsaraz
Information Centre Jacques Delors in Lisbon CIEJD
Civic Centre Torre Baró
Civic Centre Zona Nord de Torre Baró
Training Centre of the Association for the Development of Local Communities Guimarães
Convent of Sant Agusti Barcelona
Center of Sant Cugat del Vallès
Institut Franco Portugais de Lisbonne
Metropolitan Lisbon
Moinho da Juventude, Lisbonne
NGO EICA, Barcelone
Philosophy for Kids Portugal
Raia Histórica de Trancoso
Cities: Cascais-Alcabideche, Serpa, O Porto,Tondela, Sintra, Lisboa-Belém, Felgueiras, Guimarães, Loures, Reguengos de Monsaraz, Tavira, Trancoso, Tomar, Vialonga, Vila Franca de Xira,Oeiras, Ulgueira
Schools: Escola Ibn Mucana (Cascais-Alcabideche), Escola Básica Integrada, Escola Secundária, Escola Oficina de Pintura de Azulejos e Louça Cerâmica, Escola Básica Integrada com Jardim de Infância de Pias (Serpa), Escola Secundária (Tondela), Escola EB 2,3 de S.Torcato, Escola Secundária Martins Sarmento, Escola Secundária Francisco de Holanda, Colégio Luso-Francês (Porto), Escola Secundária de Santa Maria do Olival (Tomar), Escola EB 2,3 de Vialonga (Vila Franca de Xira), Colégio de Pina Manique et la Junta de Freguesia de Santa Maria de Belém (Lisboa-Belém), EB 2,3 d’Idães, EB 2,3 d’Airães, EB 2,3 Manuel Faria e Sousa, EB 2,3 Dr. Leonardo Coimbra (Felgueiras), Escola Secundária, Escola Profissional, Escola Secundária, Escola Secundária Conde de Monsaraz, Escola EB 2,3 de Caxias, Escola Secundária Matias Aires, Escola EB 2,3 Luís de Sttau Monteiro (Loures), Ecoles Casal Infantil el Drac, IES Infanta Isabel (Barcelone Sant Martí de Provençals).

Hogar Jesus Mi Luz Orphanage

Generation Europe Romania
Inspectors of civic education in national schools
Romania Ministry of Education
Schools: 78 schools

Swedish Cultural Centre in Paris
SL Fastigheter, Stockholm Metro

EICA – Espace d’Inclusion et de Formacion Casc Antic, Barcelona
INCITA, Social and Cultural Initiatives and Actions, Barcelona
Civic Centre, Sant Martí de Provençals
Convent of Sant Augusti, Casc Antic
Centre Cívic Zona Nord, Torre Barro
Schools: Pablo Ruiz Picasso High School in Torre Baro, Sant Martí High School, Sant Martí Civic Centre.

City of New York
NY City Transportation Department
Doylestown Mayor’s Office
Doylestown Borough Manager
Goldman Properties NY Mami

ADAE – Association Danyyan aprender Evoluir
CECAP Programa Nacional de Educación
Euscola Universitária Bellas artes EUCD
Ministerio de Educaciony Cultura
Tres Cruces Bus Station
Unesco Uruguay
WBI – Wallonia Brussels International

2020 – 2021
KDB partners and Caixa Seguradora, funds for the exhibition at the Paço Imperial Museum, Rio, Brazil
BNB Belgian National Bank, funds for the project Les Mille Plateaux de Gilles, Brussels, Belgium
Metropolitano of Lisboa, funding for the project Fragments of an Unfinished Encyclopedia, Encarnação subway station, Lisbon, Portugal
Darcy Vargas Foundation, workspace offered to Inscrire, Rio, Brazil
FWB-Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, funds for the project Les Marronniers, Tournai, Belgium

2018 – 2019
GODF, fund for To Write the Human Rights in schools, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
SNCF Foundation, Cherbourg City Hall, Ministry of Culture, DRAC Normandy, Ministry of Justice, Urban Policy, GODF, Kap Compétences, Le Crédit Agricole, Association Canopée, funds for Attente d’Horizon in Cherbourg, France.
UNDP-United Nation Development Program, UNESCO, National Ministry of Citizenship, Swedish Embassy, Alliance française, Belgian Embassy, funds for the O Caminho project, Brasilia, Brazil.
CNAM, Le Musée des Arts et Métiers, funds for the project Mangez le Musée, Paris, France.
Municipality of Vienna , funds for the the Vienna Banquet, Austria
Kör, Kunst im öffentlichen raum Wien, support for the creation of the Vienna Banquet, Austria
Darcy Vargas Foundation, workspace offered at Inscrire, Rio, Brazil

Cherbourg City Hall, GODF, SPIP, DRAC Normandie, Politique de la Ville, Justice Ministry, Kap Compétences, funds for the Attente d’Horizon project, Cherbourg, France.
GODF, funds for To Write the Human Rights in schools, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Society of Magistrates of the State of Rio de Janeiro, fund for the Patricia Acioli Award for all the work carried out in Brazil and the world.
La Valinière Foundation, funds for Escola Rainha Fabiola, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
CGB Circles Group, funds for the Debret project, Rio, Brazil.
The Belgian Consulate in Rio, funds for the Debret project in Rio, Brazil.
ISS Metro de Rio de Janeiro, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in schools, Brazil.
—  Invepar funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in schools Brazil
Darcy Vargas Foundation, workspace offered to Inscrire, Rio, Brazil

FWB Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, funds for the LIFE(s) project in Fraipont, Belgium
American Red Cross and Haitian Red Cross, funds for To Write the Human Rights in schools, Haiti.
Schréder, donation for the LUZ station project, Sao-Paulo, Brazil
MAB-FAAP- Museum of Brazilian Art, production grant for the exhibition in Sao Paulo, Brazil
WBI-Wallonie Bruxelles International, production grant for the exhibition in Sao Paulo, Brazil
ISS metro of Rio de Janeiro, funds for the Fundamental Rights in Schools project, Brazil
Invepar funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in schools, Brazil
Centrale for Contemporary Arts, funds for the Grand Banquet in Brussels, Belgium
Cocof, Brussels-Capital Region, contribution to the Grand Banquet project, Brussels, Begique
The city of Brussels, funds for the Grand Banquet in Brussels, Belgium
Restaurant les Crustacés, help for the Grand Banquet in Brussels, Belgium
UCL, funds for the A Table Citoyens project! Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

American Red Cross, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in schools, Haiti
Belgian Consulate in Rio, donation for Escola Rainha Fabiola, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Schréder, donation for the LUZ station project, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Tofiq House, support for the creation of the Luz de São Paulo project
WBI (Wallonie Bruxelles International), funds for the exhibition at the MAB FAAP Museum, Sao Paulo, Brazil
ISS metro of Rio de Janeiro, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in schools, Brazil
Invepar funds for the Fundamental Rights in Schools project, Brazil
Belgian Consulate, funds for the DEGASE project in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Commune d’Ixelles, funds for the project Germination-To Write the Human Rights in schools,Belgium
Matelart Foundation, funds for the project Germination-To Write the Human Rights in schools, in Ixelles, Belgium
Brussels-Capital Region, funds for the, Germination-To Write the Human Rights in schools project in Ixelles, Belgium
BRUOSCELLA Award, funds for the, Germination-To Write the Human Rights in schools project in Ixelles, Belgium
Maelbeek Sustainable Neighbourhood Contract / Urban Renewal Service, funds for the, Germination-To Write the Human Rights in schools project in Ixelles, Belgium

WBI, travel grant, Montevideo,Uruguay
CIVA, International Centre for the City and Architecture, exhibition support at the Civa, Belgium
RMC – Club Bruxellois de modélisme ferroviaire, support for the creation of the exhibition at the Civa, Belgium
WBI, travel grant, Montevideo, Uruguay
TRE CRUCES Buses, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in schools in Montevideo, Uruguay
SUAT, Emergency Policlinic, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in schools in Montevideo, Uruguay.
WBI, Bombardier, beObank, Brussels Capital Region, La Ferthé Foundation, la Cocof, la Ville des Mureaux, STIB, Brussels Mobility, Carris de Lisbonne, Gyproc, Puilaetco Dewaay, funds for the CIVA exhibition, Brussels, Belgium ,
Fondation Suzanne, Louise Martelart funds and supports the project Germinatio-To Write the Human Rights in schools, Ixelles, Belgium.
Commune of Anderlecht and WBI fund for the project Aumale, To Write the Human Rights in schools, Anderlecht, Belgium.
Schréder, donation for the LUZ station project, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Brussels-Capital Region, funds for the project Germination-To Write the Human Rights in schools in Ixelles, Belgium
Brussels Mobility, funds for the project Germination-To Write the Human Rights in schools in Ixelles, Belgium
ISS metro of Rio de Janeiro, funds for the Fundamental Rights in Schools project, Brazil
Invepar funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in schools, Brazil
Schréder, donation for the LUZ station project, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Rio 450 anos, support for all projects in Rio, Brazil
Parceiros Brasil Petrobras, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in schools, Caju Rio, Brazil
Porto Novo, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in schools, Gamboa, Rio, Brazil.

Schréder, donation for the LUZ station project, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Rio Onibus, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, To Write the Human Rights in schools in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Schréder, donation for the LUZ station project, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Entreprise Sarey, funds for the Val de Seine project, Les Mureaux France
The Mairie des Mureaux, funds for the Val de Seine project, France

Schréder, donation for the LUZ station project, Sao Paulo, Brazil
BTE-Consulate of Belgium in Israel, funds for A city as a tree for Human Rights, Ramallah, Palestine.
French Consulate in Jerusalem, travel grant in Palestine.
The Belgian Development Cooperation, fund for the Fundamental Rights project in Ramallah.
Ramallah City Hall, for the project A city as a tree for Human Rights in Ramallah
Serigr’art, donation for the Luz project, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Municipality of Anderlecht, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools in Anderlecht, Belgium
WBI – French Community of Belgium, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools in Anderlecht, Belgium

La Ferthé Foundation, City of Paris, DPVI, Label Paris Europe, Label Paris Europe, funds for Buisson Cartographique, Paris, France
Rede Energia, funds for the LUZ station project, Sao Paulo, Brazil
French Consulate of Sao Paulo, grant for a trip to Sao Paulo, Brazil
Foshan Ceramic Festival, funds for several conferences in Guangzhou and Changsha, China

European Commission, funds for the Mind Mosaic-Mind your rights project, Inscribing Europe on the walls of cities with Generation Europe Foundation.
CIEJD Information Centre Jacques Delors in Lisbon, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, Portugal.
City of les Mureaux, funds for the project Murmures, France.
Enterprise Sybat, support for the construction of the Murmures project, France
Municipality of Laeken, support for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, Laeken Belgium
City of Verviers, funds for the project Inscrire les droits fondamentaux sur les murs des Villes, Belgium.

Fondation de France and La Ferthé Foundation, funds and grant for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, France
CIEJD Information Centre Jacques Delors in Lisbon, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, Portugal.
City of les Mureaux, funds for the project Murmures, France
Municipality  of Houffalize, funds for the project Lumières et ténèbres d’ici, Houffalize, Belgium
CGRI-Commissariat général aux relations internationales and Walloon Region, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, Laeken Belgium
La Ferthé Foundation, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, France and Europe

2004 – 2005 
City of Paris and the Paris Europe Label, funds and scholarship for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, France
Fondation de France and Ferthé Foundation, funds for REGISTRATION, Paris, France
Consulate of France in Portugal, travel grant
Fondation Un monde par Tous, scholarship for INSCRIBE, Paris, France
Human Rights Foundation in Lisbon, fund for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, Portugal.
CIEJD Information Centre Jacques Delors in Lisbon, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, Portugal.
RATP, funds for the Favelité project, Paris.
Enda Brasil, perpetuates the work of the Association Inscrire during this year.

CIEJD Information Centre Jacques Delors in Lisbon, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, Portugal.
French Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, travel grant for the Communities projects, Rio, Brazil.
AFAA- Association Française d’Action Artistique, grant for Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil
Fondation Carrefour Solidarité, equipment donations for the Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil
Augros Society, grant for Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil
Regional Council of Ile de France, grant for the Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil
The Prefecture of the City of Rio Department of Culture, grant for Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil
CFDT, funds for Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil
European Commission ODA-Disadvantaged People’s Aid Programme, funds for Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil
EDF-Electricité de France, funds for Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil
Bunge Alimentos, donation of a workspace for the Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil

AFAA, City of Paris, travel grant for the Favela project
Prefecture of the Ile de France Region, grant for the Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil
French Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, grant, for the Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil
Evangelisches Bildungwerk, grant for the project Garden of the Human Rights, Bremen Germany
City of Paris, grant for the publication of the Westhafen catalogue, France
CIEJD Information Centre Jacques Delors in Lisbon, funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, Portugal.
La Ferthé Foundation, funds for the Communities Project in Rio.
European Commission APD Programme-Aid to the Disadvantaged Populations, grant for the Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil.
Empresa de Cerâmicas Eliane, donation of all ceramic material for the Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil
Pirmez Family, donation of a workspace for the Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil
Greenpeace-Rio, housing donation for Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil

AFAA, grant for the Favela project
Fondation un monde par tous, grant for Communities projects
General Council of Ile de France, grant for the Communities project
French Embassy in Brasilia, grant for the Communities projects project, Brazil
Consulate of France in Rio de Janeiro, grant for the Communities projects project, Brazil
CIEJD funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, Portugal.
Enterprise Andrade Gutierrez, donation for the project Communities projects, Brazil.
— Donations from several dozen anonymous private individuals to build the Human Rights Garden project in the Rhododendron Park, Bremen, Germany.

La Ferthé Foundation, structural support for Inscrire, France
BVG Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe – Berlin Metro, funds for the Westhafen station project, Berlin, Germany
Consulate of France, travel grant in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
King Baudouin Foundation, scholarship “Hemispheres in Molenbeek”, Brussels, Belgium.
French Embassy in Brasilia, grant for the publication of the Communities projects, Brazil.
Aboboda Projetos, donation of architectural design assistance for the Communities Projects, Rio, Brazil
CIEJD Lisbon funds for the project To Write the Human Rights in Schools, Portugal.
Evangelisches Bildungswerk Bremen, donation for the creation of the Human Rights Park Bremen, Germany
Private and anonymous donations for the creation of the Human Rights Park in Bremen, Germany

1985 – 1999
King Baudouin Foundation, grant, Brussels, Belgium
SL Fastigheter-Stockholm Metro, funds for Stockholm University and Stockholm Metro station, 1998
DLL France, grant to help publishing abroad for the book “O Azul do  Zé”, 1998
FAFA, travel grant to Prague, 1996
Alliance Française de Haïfa, travel grant for the project on the Beth Hagefen Cultural Center, 1992
Mayor of Haifa, support for the work on the Beth Hagefen Cultural Centre, 1992
Ministry of Public Works, grant, Portugal, 1993
Ministry of Flemish Culture, grant, Belgium, 1990
Canadian Council, grant, Canada, 1989
Ministry of Flemish Culture, grant, Belgium, 1988
New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship, grant, U.S.A. 1987
International Foundation for the Arts, Visual Arts, U.S.A. 1986