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  • To write the Human Rights
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I Invite You Home: A Participatory Art Project for and by the People of Liège

Je vous invite à la maison

I Dream My City : Kanal-Centre Pompidou x Athénée Royal Toots Thielemans

The Banquet of La Louve and the Mystery of the Dowry: A Timeless Celebration of La Louvière

1001 Plateaux: a collaborative artwork bringing together the employees of the National Bank of Belgium

I dream my life : Kanal-Centre Pompidou x Athénée Royal Toots Thielemans

Story of Lives : Kanal-Centre Pompidou x Athénée Royal Toots Thielemans

Passport for Democracy

The way to the Human Rights

The way to the Human Rights Rio

To write the Human Rights in 1001 schools

To Write the Human Rights in Estonia

The long long river

Life in Rio at the time of J.B.Debret

My head aches and the universe too

To write the Human Rights in Belgium

Cairo, a river, a country, a history

Human Rights in the country of Utopia

Human Rights in the country of Gulliver

To write the Child’s Rights

In the soil of Spain

School instructions manual

Guadeloupe in humanistic resonance

To publish book-tables

Human Rights in the river Seine

A balloon for the future world

Wonders and darkness from here

Linnaeus at the Green Queen’s Park

Fragment of a library in love

The Vienna Human Rights banquet and its guardians

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