30 November 2020
Year :Since2013
Location :Rio de Janeiro

The Tiles Workshop finds its roots and its know-how in the project “The Way to Human Rights” created by the artist Françoise Schein, the founder of the Association Inscrire. In Brazil, the project promoted the social transformation of communities in which it has been taking place since 1999, creating artistic awareness among the local population through the creation of urban art projects and engaging the residents of poor districts, favelas, and neighborhoods.
From the beginning, the workshop was created to produce the works of F. Schein while teaching a know-how to the participants of the projects, in particular those of Copacabana, Vidigal and works in 5 favelas of Rio de Janeiro.
More than 500 residents worked with us to create these projects, which was a great success, that led in 2003 to the creation of a permanent workshop the Azulejaria Tiles Workshop, whose participants, after a few years, declared their willingness to become independent from Inscrire.
Led by Laura Taves, the Azulejaria is the continuation of Schein’s ceramic atelier with women who participated in her previous workshops and wished to continue the project by themselves. Therefore, we provided them with all the acquired material to help them further develop their production.
Today the Azulejaria Tiles Workshop combines artistic production, training, and social activism in Rio de Janeiro. Its workforce consists of several craftswomen who come together to broaden their artistic horizons and establish a closer connection with the city and its artistic expression, transforming their experiences in art objects and murals.
IAB Urbanity Award, Institute of Architecture of Brazil, 2006 – 2007
— Azulejaria Project, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Laura Taves
Françoise Schein
Marcia Queiroz
Luciene Vieira
Ana Nascimento
Lígia Cardoso
Lúcia Rodrigues
Marilene Mendes
Marta Felismino
Rosângela Afonso
João Rivera
Paula Delacave
Ana Carolina Carneiro
ONG Redes de Desenvolvimento da Maré
Centro de Artes da Maré
Enda Tiers-Monde
Enda Brasil
Cooperativa de Trabalho Estruturar
Consulado Geral da França no Brasil
Centro Cultural José Bonifacio
and others
City of Rio de Janeiro
Department of Culture
The Gulbenkian
French Consulate in Brazil
Centro de Artes Calouste Gulbenkian
Redes de Desenvolvimento da Maré