To Write the Human Rights – Messages in a bottle
In 2000, Barbara Reiter launched a project for elementary school children by sending a simple text to school teachers in some Asian and European countries
24 November 2020
Year :2000-2002
Location :Bremen
A letter from Barbara: We provide opportunities for children around the world to communicate with each other and their teachers about their rights and to express their ideas through drawing. Then these drawings, like a bottle in the sea, are scanned and sent (by email) and published online. Here are some copies.
Since then, we created our Pedagogical Kit to download here. You can work on it in class or at home with your family.
Our methodology is divided into 2 distinct and complementary parts:
1-The paper workshop:
allows you to work with a large number of participants at no cost, as you only need paper and pencils. Several activities can result, including a contest and the selection of the best drawings. A handmade book containing all of the drawings is created and integrates the school library or your own. See our pedagogical kit available for free access here.
2-The ceramic workshop and design of a public artwork:
If the project initiator seeks to create a perennial ceramic artwork and obtains public and/or private funding, Inscrire will organize a participatory workshop. The artwork is then installed permanently in public spaces. We usually organize the two workshops one after another, which allows us to reach a large number of participants. Information available upon request by email.
Barbara Reiter
Françoise Schein
Les professeurs des écoles primaires