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To Write the Human Rights in Peru

An international participatory project network about Human Rights and duties among human beings and towards the earth

29 November 2020
Year :
Location :
Orphelinat Hogar Jesus Mi Luz, Cuzco

TO WRITE THE HUMAN RIGHTS is a worldwide artistic project which includes a pedagogical method. It can be implemented on various scales: a  large subway station, on city walls, on a school wall, in museums, as urban furniture, in parks, and at home with families.

TO WRITE THE HUMAN RIGHTS is to rethink the people’s social role and their participation to create a harmonious life between beings and the world. Through art, its purpose is to raise awareness of the rights and duties of human beings among themselves and for the earth. This project is accessible to all those who, by their enthusiasm and philosophy of hope, wish to become project leaders by sharing it and creating it with their friends, community, responsible institutions, teachers of their children’s schools, and collectives.

Why Peru? In 2012, Lohana Schein followed the footsteps of her ancestors to Peru, and spent 6 months in Cuzco learning Spanish. Lohana is the adopted daughter of Françoise Schein. She is Brazilian and Peruvian. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Paris, she wanted to travel to Peru. She was surprised to discover an orphanage in the heart of Cuzco called Pueblo de SOS, the equivalent of Aldeia SOS, where she stayed in Rio de Janeiro for a few months.
She brought hope to the little boys in the orphanage and showed that it is important to keep hope and work as hard as you can to succeed. To get closer to the little boys, she proposed to use Inscrire’s pedagogical kit so that they can reflect on their rights and lives. Kristina Sokurenko continued the project after Lohana’s departure.

TO WRITE THE HUMAN RIGHTS is designed as 2 distinct and complementary projects:

1-The paper workshop:
allows you to work with a large number of participants at no cost, as you only need paper and pencils. Several activities can result, including a contest and the selection of the best drawings. See our pedagogical kit available for free access here.

2-The ceramic workshop and design of a public artwork: 
If the project initiator seeks to create a perennial ceramic artwork and obtains public and/or private funding, Inscrire will organize a participatory workshop. The artwork is then installed permanently in public spaces. We usually organize the two workshops one after another, which allows us to reach a large number of participants. Information available upon request by email.


Lohana Schein, Paris
Kristina Sokourenko, Seattle


The team of the orphanage Hogar Jesus Mi Luz, Cusco


Association Inscrire

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