Monument for Martissant
Creation of a monumental Human Rights Wall with the participation of Martissant's middle school students
24 November 2020
Year :2016
Location :Martissant Park, Port-au-Prince

Nan zafè dwa moun, tout nèt egal ego
In terms of human rights, everyone is equal.
This large-scale project was initiated by Lucie Couet, project manager of the Fokal Foundation in Port-au-Prince, who met with Françoise Schein in Paris. Together they decided that a monument in the Martissant Park could be a great addition to the architectural renovation project developed by the British architecture studio EVA. We collaborated with EVA architects to build a large Human Rights wall.
The wall also serves as a landslides retaining wall. It is located on an elevated site and includes a bench to rest and read the philosophical content on the wall. The works have significantly contributed to improving and enhancing the park.
The local team of the Fokal with Danièle Magloire, a woman very committed to democracy matters in Haiti, gave the preparatory courses based on analytical teaching and reflection on rights in Kreol in 2 secondary schools – the Frères Roc College and the Collège Intermédia Familial – in this poorest district of the city.
140 teenagers, boys and girls, were introduced to the Declaration of the Rights of Men and Citizens to acquire a better knowledge of their rights and duties to better assume their role as citizens and obtain recognition of their work by the community.
The drawing courses, based on our pedagogical kit, helped these particularly gifted young people to create the ceramic paintings. About a hundred students participated in this project.
The Fokal Foundation was responsible for the local organization, which included, as in Brazil, the care of students participating in our workshops. The meeting with Cherlie Rivage from Fokal was crucial because with her we decided to create the Inscrire association in Haiti.
Also, painting assistant Gerry Sterling from the Port-au-Prince l’ENARTS Art School also helped F. Schein supervise and complete young people’s work. Together with Cherlie Rivage, they become assets of the Inscrire Association and the following projects in Haiti.
Cherlie Rivage
Daniele Magloire
Lucie Couet
Françoise Schein
Lohana Schein
Rita Anderaos
Gerry Sterling
FOKAL Foundation
Brother Roc College
Le Collège Intermédia Familial
Enarts, Port-au-Prince Art School
Office for the Protection of the Citizen
EVA studio (Emergent Vernacular Architecture)
The Haitian Red Cross
The American Red Cross
Open Society Foundation
Cherlie Rivage
Françoise Schein
Lohana Schein