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To Write the Human Rights in France

An international participatory project network about Human Rights and duties among human beings and towards the earth

3 December 2020
Since 1989
Location :
Worldwide project

TO WRITE THE HUMAN RIGHTS is a worldwide artistic project which includes a pedagogical method. It can be implemented on various scales: a  large subway station, on city walls, on a school wall, in museums, as urban furniture, in parks, and at home with families.

TO WRITE THE HUMAN RIGHTS is to rethink the people’s social role and their participation to create a harmonious life between beings and the world. Through art, its purpose is to raise awareness of the rights and duties of human beings among themselves and for the earth. This project is accessible to all those who, by their enthusiasm and philosophy of hope, wish to become project leaders by sharing it and creating it with their friends, community, responsible institutions, teachers of their children’s schools, and collectives.

Why France?

Because Françoise Schein lives in Paris and after the construction of her subway station Concorde, she wished to create a local team to carry on projects in French schools and institutions.

TO WRITE THE HUMAN RIGHTS is designed as 2 distinct and complementary projects:

1-The paper workshop:

allows you to work with a large number of participants at no cost, as you only need paper and pencils. Several activities can result, including a contest and the selection of the best drawings. See our pedagogical kit available for free access here.

2-The ceramic workshop and design of a public artwork: 

If the project initiator seeks to create a perennial ceramic artwork and obtains public and/or private funding, Inscrire will organize a participatory workshop. The artwork is then installed permanently in public spaces. We usually organize the two workshops one after another, which allows us to reach a large number of participants. Information available upon request by email


Cherbourg, Waiting for Horizon, outside prison walls: this project was initiated by artist Virginie Levavasseur, who wanted to bring and create a project in her city. She gathered all the necessary conditions to create a huge artwork (450 square meters) for the outer wall of the prison. The words “Horizon d’Attente” (Waiting Horizon) are written in giant letters, with fundamental rights in text and images integrated into their bodies. The students of 3 colleges took part in this creation: the college of the Provinces and those of Charcot la Bucaille. The art school l’Esam was a partner as well as the Trident theater, the national stage, and some prisoners from the prison also participated in this atypical creation.

Hérouville Saint Clair, des Men-rights – along the tram station:  

this project was initiated by F.Schein and M. Riffaud with students from the école des Beaux Arts who have created a project in pedagogical stratas and inhabitants of an underprivileged neighborhood.  During the academic year, meetings, discussions and tiles workshops, have led to the production of 6 panels located in the center of town.

Les Mureaux, work for the City Hall façade: Named Mind Mosaic – Mind your Rights, this participatory ceramic artwork is a reflection on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, created with students from the Lycée François Villon. The project is part of a project commissioned by the European Commission in partnership with the Generation Europe Foundation. The projects involved 7 European countries: Belgium, France, Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland, Romania, and Estonia. More than 110,000 young people took part in this project. At Les Mureaux, Mr. Xavier Lemaitre, professor of literature, organized a workshop of reflections in preparation for the art workshops. The Inscrire team then produced the ceramic painting artistic workshops with the students. The final work is permanently installed on the façade of the city hall.

To write Europe on the walls of cities in France, Spain, and Portugal is a project created with the support of the European Commission: the ceramic artworks built in various cities are the result of a pedagogical process of reflection and awareness on the Charter of European Rights, developed with our methodology and addressed to secondary school students. This project is a partnership with the CIEJD-Centre Européen Jacques Delors of Lisbon, the French association Quartiers du Monde, and the Spanish association Incita.

In Clichy-la-Garenne, an artwork on the façade of the Collège Jean Jaurès: Collège Jean Jaurès students enjoyed theatre workshops animated by their literature teachers and Quartiers du Monde to help them understand the articles. This experience was followed by the Inscrire team’s ceramic painting workshops. The principal, Mr. Said El Bahij, said: “On behalf of myself and the school, thank you very much for your excellent work. Continue to multiply these pedagogical-instructional acts as you are already doing, and above all, do not change anything! ”

In Paris Belleville, an artwork in the Notre Dame de la Croix church garden, for the facades of the gardeners’ cottage, created with the Lycée Etienne Dolet. Quartiers du Monde worked upstream of the artwork’s creation to prepare students toward a common awareness of European rights before the ceramic workshops held by our team. The final artwork is permanently installed on the gardeners’ house in the park next to the Lycée. It brightens and enlightens this small oasis of nature.

In St. Denis, artwork for the Garcia Lorca High School façade: art and literature teachers prepared the students to read the text for the painting on ceramics workshops organized by our team.
The final project is permanently installed at the school’s entrance. During the inauguration, the principal of the Lycée delivered a magnificent speech on the strength of this work.

Trip: The Portuguese partner CIEJD – Jacques Delors European Information Center organized a meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, which gathered 200 young people from France, Spain, and Portugal on the theme of European citizenship. All the Inscrire projects were exhibited at the Franco-Portuguese Institute in Lisbon.


Association Inscrire
CIEJD de Lisbonne
Association Quartiers du Monde
Association Incita
Generation Europe Foundation


La ville de Clichy-la-Garenne
Mairie de Belleville
Mairie de St Denis
Maire de Cherbourg
Mairie des Mureaux
Ministère de la Culture
Drac Normandie
Collège Garcia Lorca
Lycée Françoise Villon
Le Collège Jean Jaurès
Lycée Etienne Dolet
Le Collège Les Provinces
Le Collège Charcot-La Bucaille
Le Trident, scène Nationale
la Maison d’Arrêt de Cherbourg


Mairie de Paris
Label Paris Europe
La ville de Paris
Ville de Clichy
Mairie de Cherbourg
Le Ministère de la Justice
Commission Européenne
La Fondation La Ferthé,
Le Conseil Général des Hauts de Seine
Entreprise Sybat.
Le Crédit Agricole
Kap Compétences
Fondation GODF
Fondation SNCF
Ministère de la Justice
Préfète de Normandie


Françoise Schein
Virginie Levavasseur
Philippe Nothomb

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